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What We Do

The Kodiak Soil and Water Conservation District (KSWCD) provides technical agricultural assistance including consultations for NRCS programs, community learning opportunities, and other resources. Our goal is to provide the resources necessary to promote, participate in, and support agriculture on the Kodiak Archipelago.

KSWCD operates the Community Gardens on Larch street. Learn more.

Community Learning Series

The Community Learning Series is a FREE educational series for Kodiak community members that will cover topics related to agriculture and food security. Sessions will feature experienced and knowledgeable panelists on the topic of discussion. Our goal is to promote knowledge sharing between growers and producers of all experience levels and invigorate enthusiasm about these topics. No registration is required for these events.

Events will take place the second and fourth Wednesday of each month with breaks in the summer and winter. Join us and share your own experiences, questions, comments and concerns.

All sessions are scheduled for 5:30 PM at the Touch Tank Building (301 Research Court). You can attend via Zoom by scanning the QR code here with your phone's camera or QR code app or by Clicking here.

Meeting ID: 889 8318 8663
Passcode: 893719

This series is hosted by Kodiak Harvest Food Co-op and Kodiak Soil and Water Conservation District.

Upcoming Topics:

Fruit Trees

Wednesday, February 26


Wednesday, March 12

Selling Through Kodiak Harvest Food Co-op

Wednesday, March 26

Qik'rtaq Food Hub

Wednesday, April 9

Soil Health Beach Peat Study

Comparing lettuce grown with beach peat and those without

Soil Health

The soil health study was conducted at the Community Gardens and looked at the difference between lettuce grown in garden beds that were grown with beach peat and lettuce grown in beds without added beach peat.

Final ReportSoil Health PowerpointYoutube Video
Gathering beach peat

Ian Zacher

Agricultural Outreach & Education Coordinator

The Kodiak Soil and Water Conservation District (KSWCD) hired Ian in early 2024. In this brand-new position, Ian is working on identifying wants and needs of agricultural producers and gardeners on the Archipelago. Ian runs the community gardens and is developing the community learning series.

ian.zacher [at]

More Information

Natural Resource Conservation Service (NRCS)

NRCS "helps people reduce soil erosion, enhance water supplies, improve water quality, increase wildlife habitat, and reduce damage caused by floods and other natural disasters." Many NRCS programs and initiatives are available to Kodiak farmers, ranchers, and landowners including financial and technical assistance and other resources. KSWCD offices house a variety of NRCS materials and our staff is available to offer information about NRCS when an NRCS agent is not available. The use of the Kodiak Soil & Water Conservation District office is kindly donated by NRCS.

Cooperative Extension Service

The University of Alaska Fairbanks (UAF) Cooperative Extension Service interprets relevant university, research-based knowledge in an understandable and usable form and offers that information to the public. The UAF Extension offers hundreds of publications written and produced by university specialists to Alaska residents. Many publications are free and available online. Topics include: 4H publications, agriculture/livestock, community/economic development, cooking, energy, food, gardening, housing, insects/pests, and sewing. KSWCD houses print copies for many publications which are available to the public on request.